Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 10, 2011

Playstation Should You Buy Ace Combat: Assault Horizon? Yes. By Mike Fahey on October 17, 2011 at 12:00 AM Namco Bandai’s Ace Combat: Assault Horizon is out there ready to be purchased, or rented and played. But should you invest the time and money? Since I’m the only one playing, here’s my split personality Gut Check. On the blog now, Porter acknowledges that “this will clearly severely delay the next update, which was very near completion.” However, no Project Zomboid player’s personal information was on either of the two computers stolen, he said. Michael Fahey, Die-Hard

What the hell have they done to my series? I depend on Ace Combat for high-velocity aerial combat. In the three hours I’ve played Assault Horizon I’ve participated in a lengthy battle acting solely as a helicopter gunner, piloted my own helicopter slowly around a town providing cover fire for ground troops, and played an extended version of the gunner bit from the end of Modern Warfare 2. I’ve spent more time in other aircraft than I have in jets. This is not what I wanted. I can’t even use my flight stick? Screw this

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